Colleague 7 – Sprint Review – 21.12.02 (07/12/21 – 20/12/21)

Colleague 7 – Sprint Review – 21.12.02

We would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to all our clients and partners for a fantastic 2021!

Your feedback and requests have helped us strive to deliver more features and configurable options than ever before.

I’m happy to confirm that we recently completed sprint 21.12.02, this includes our new Colleague Contact Portal (with Timesheet approval workflow), the ability to automate formatted CVs (and other template documents) as part of registering a Candidate via the CV Parser, an enhanced Document Preview refresh button and other settings to default the behaviour in the system.

A link to the latest Release Notes is available here:

Since our previous post we also delivered the below updates:

Within our current development sprint we’ll be introducing the ability to use the PAYE Calculator on individual Rates against a Contract Placement.

As always any and all feedback is welcome.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

#recruitmentcrm #agiledevelopment #colleague7 #recruitment

David Payne

Product Owner of Colleague

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