Join social recruiting expert, Andy Headworth, and social media and digital recruiter, Steve Ward, on The Recruiters Hangout show on the 27th May 1pm BST.
Andy is the founder of Sirona Consulting Ltd and helps companies, recruitment agencies, RPO companies understand and integrate social media into their recruitment strategies. Andy has just published a #1 Amazon new release, Social Media Recruitment: How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy.
Steve Ward is a regular on our show, a recruiter, and the founder of CloudNine Social Media and Digital Talent – a specialist recruitment firm that recruits social media and marketing roles.
The #RecHangout is hosted by Alan Whitford (RCEuro / Abtech Partnership), Louis Welcomme (Colleague Software), Mark Stephens (The Recruitment Alliance / Smart Recruit Online) and Louise Triance (UK Recruiter).