Hi everyone,
As mentioned in previous communications, our API is part of our core product commitment to ensure our clients have the freedom to undertake integrations and custom solutions that meet their business needs.
Initially our API supported the ability to search, add and edit Candidate records for the purposes of enabling a CV Parser integration (as well as provide the foundation for a Candidate portal project), however yesterday we increased the scope of our API to include the ability to search and retrieve Requirement records.
The Requirement Entity Search will support the below variables. All of which are optional to act as either individual or combined searching criteria:
The URL for our API is here: https://coll7openapi.portal.azure-api.net/. Developers who are planning to work on an integration with Colleague 7 will need to register an account. We will then assign a subscription key (based on authorisation from the client) linking the Developer account with your requested Colleague 7 system.
We’re planning to introduce API requests which support Candidate Applications, Contact Search/Add/Edit options and ultimately take things to the point of Timesheet entry.
This is all being planned over the course of this year, but if you have any specific API requests please contact our Support Team or contact me directly via david.payne@colleaguesoftware.com. With each request it helps focus our efforts on the specific API features you need to see prioritised.
I look forward to uploading further updates over the course of the year.
Many thanks
David Payne
Colleague 7 – Product Owner
Colleague Software